人工透析・糖尿病専門外来 千歳烏山駅北口

〒157-0062 東京都世田谷区南烏山4-21-14


  • 院内写真1
  • 院内写真2
  • 院内写真3
  • 院内写真4
  • 院内写真5
  • 院内写真6
〒157-0062 東京都世田谷区南烏山4-21-14
  • 予約・お問い合わせ

  • 透析申し込み専用フリーダイヤル

    0800-111-4976 受付時間:9:00~17:00(月~土)




この雑誌は、一般社団法人 日本透析医学会が発行している雑誌です。日本透析医学会は約5,600名の医師を透析専門医として認定している社団法人です。透析を専門としている分野では国内で最も権威のある雑誌となっております。





【結果】透析前重炭酸濃度は,全例ではFC投与後変化はなかったが,22mEq/L未満の患者30例では有意に上昇した.FC投与に伴いFC 由来の鉄が吸収され,TSAT20%未満かつ血清フェリチン値100ng/mL 未満の絶対的鉄欠乏の患者が著減し,ESA投与量が有意に減少した.



【Aim】Hemodialysis(HD)using citrate‒containing acetate‒free dialysate had a strong ameliorating effect on metabolic acidosis in our clinic, but metabolic acidosis was not sufficiently improved in some HD patients. Ferric citrate(FC)is an iron‒containing phosphate binder, and was reported to increase serum bicarbonate concentrations. The acidosis‒ameliorating effect of FC was retrospectively investigated.

【Patients and Methods】Chronic kidney disease‒mineral and bone disorder parameters, the anemia‒related index, and the pre‒dialysis serum bicarbonate concentration were compared in 72 outpatient maintenance HD patients who were changed from existing phosphate binders to FC or had FC added to their existing phosphate binders.

【Results】The data obtained before and 3 months after the initiation of FC treatment were compared. Although the mean pre‒dialysis bicarbonate concentration was not affected by the administration of FC in all patients, it increased significantly in 30 patients with pre‒dialysis bicarbonate concentrations of <22 mEq/L. The absorption of FC‒derived iron led to the number of patients with absolute iron deficiency(defined as a transferrin saturation value of <20% and a serum ferritin level of <100 ng/mL)markedly decreasing, and the mean erythropoiesis‒stimulating agent dose decreased significantly.

【Conclusion】FC is a phosphate binder, which ameliorates renal anemia and metabolic acidosis. It is particularly useful for HD patients with metabolic acidosis, who are at risk of ectopic calcification.